McKinley Writes

I used to have a dog blog when I had foster dogs. Unfortunately, a change in the condo rules means no new fosters.  Since we live in East Texas there is a crying need for dog foster homes right now (post-Harvey and the horrible destruction in and around Houston) and it makes me sad we can’t help. But perhaps we can raise awareness into the lives and thought processes of dogs.

McKinleyIMG_6956 is still here and listening for me. Thanks to her, I answer the door when there is someone knocking or ringing the bell (ala the old McCartney/Wings song Let em in.) She’s got her own Facebook page now – McKinley Writes – and it contains her observations on the world as well as some of our normal banter.

Although I give presentations on writing in the area from time to time, I haven’t figured out how to have McKinley, aka Wee Little Doggie aka WLD do it without me being her stand-in translator.

Word has it Recollections of a Tundra Dancer will be published at some date prior to the end of the year. I’ve given up on getting a projected publication date and will simply announce it when it happens since shit happens and shit has happened repeatedly with this book.





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